Thursday, September 24, 2009

Labor Day Parade photos.

Yes I know Labor Day has well since past, but I had to post some photos from the parade because tomorrow we have the Lincoln County High School 100 year celebration start. There is a parade tomorrow before all the games start. Destiny is in the pep band so they will be playing during the "big" game. I am sure that I will be taking more photos from this parade, because these are supposed to be entries from the past Alumni. Yes there is a semi in the parade running triples in the photos below. Most of the entries were of old cars, but they were so nice.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So Farr

The video clip below is from David's little brother Bret's band. It is called So Farr and he is the lead singer. It is kind of a metal, hard rock type band. Anyway I thought I would share the link, maybe help him get more publicity for his band. After all what are big sisters for, this and for harassing him. Cuz nobody can harass him like me, and I wouldn't let them anyway!

FameCast Artist: SO FARR

Picture from "Back in the Day". May of 1993 to be exact.

I have gotten in touch with an old friend from high school, who just can't seem to remember who my hubby is. So she asked me to let her see a picture of him. Well being that she is across the country to the east, what easier way to do it then post it to our blog. (and possibly embarassing for us.) This picture has been in his wallet since we got them from the photographer back in May of 1993. So that is why it looks the way it does, besides being a picture taken by a cell phone of a picture.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Graduation from swimming class.

This is Michael's graduation picture from Level 1 swimming class this summer. He is the second from the left, and looks like the tallest. He had fun. He learned some things, and isn't so afraid of the water anymore.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Michael's Football Jersey. Ready to play.

Be 4 game. Number 63.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have been so busy with taking David to PT, and using the gym while I am there, and then the kids with school and there activities. I haven't posted the pictures from the Labor Day Parade. I will try to get some on here if not most of them. Destiny was in the band and they walked and played in the parade.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is Michael in his football uniform for pee-wee football. This is a Southern Utah League, so we will be going to Cedar City, Utah for games.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pretty Purple Pincushion!

This is a couple pictures of a pincushion I bought at the craft fair today in Pioche. I think I am gonna try to make some and sell them. Something for us to try an sell for when (if they are still taking the D.C. trip) Michael is in 5th grade next year. I hope they are because I would like Michael to be able to go and see all the things Destiny and I saw. Hopefully we could see some of the things she and I missed. Like the National Archives for one place. Anyway I have lots of plans, now I just have to get cracking on them and quick. This year the tickets for the adults went up $100 from ours last year which was $500. I think the kids tickets doubled to $600 from $300. But the kids are able to work most or all of theirs off depending what they do. They do raffles, yard sales, bake sales, car washes, scrapbook sales, and we also did a cookbook sale with local recipes. So I hope tickets won't go up too much. We will have to get a rolling suitcase too, I am NOT caring 2 of them again. I think the rolling duffle we have may be too big. Well we will see as time gets closer.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Making bread.

Destiny and dad were making doughfor pretzels and twists. I wanted her to make cinnamon rolls and icing. David was having some fun flinging it up in the air. Destiny did the majority of it by herself. We've been making jam and banana butters. Plum jam, and banana butter, and banana nut butter. Tomorrow I think I will make zucchini jam. I have already shredded the zucchini for it, 6 cups, sounds like a lot but it doesn't look like a lot. I hope this tastes good, guess we will find out soon enough.