Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lincoln County Fall Choir/Band Concert

Well it was a good concert last night. It is interesting to hear the changes from the 6th grade band up to the high school band. This year the high school band is a woodwind band. They lost a lot of band members to being graduating seniors this past June. Michael is in the middle school band, and Destiny is in the high school band. I think I need to buy Michael a white button down shirt. I think I am going to try to find him a red, black, and white tie to wear for the concerts to. I took some videos of the concert, and was going to post to Facebook, but it tells me the videos are too big. So I am going to try to post them on here. I think I have a couple pictures to, those should go on here with no problems. There are only 3 boys in the choir right now, they were up in the top left. Right now Mike is a little short, he kind of needed to center himself between the 2 people in front of him.