Thursday, October 25, 2012

Destiny driving????

So today Dave took Destiny up to Ely to test for her learners permit. There are 50 questions on the test, you must get an 80% to pass. She only missed 4, and there were only like 5 questions left and the computer stopped and told her to go to the counter. She had passed. You can't miss more then 10 to pass, and since she wasn't going to miss that many because there weren't more then 6 questions left. Too cool for her and us, now we can be chaperoned around town, at least just around town for me first until she drives with me with other cars driving around her. I am just a nervous mom I know. She did drive home from the Y tonight with Dave, which is only a little over a mile into town. Dave said she was kind of weaving a little down the road, but all in all she did pretty good. Well this is going to be a fun adventure for us for the future. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lincoln County Fall Choir/Band Concert

Well it was a good concert last night. It is interesting to hear the changes from the 6th grade band up to the high school band. This year the high school band is a woodwind band. They lost a lot of band members to being graduating seniors this past June. Michael is in the middle school band, and Destiny is in the high school band. I think I need to buy Michael a white button down shirt. I think I am going to try to find him a red, black, and white tie to wear for the concerts to. I took some videos of the concert, and was going to post to Facebook, but it tells me the videos are too big. So I am going to try to post them on here. I think I have a couple pictures to, those should go on here with no problems. There are only 3 boys in the choir right now, they were up in the top left. Right now Mike is a little short, he kind of needed to center himself between the 2 people in front of him.