Sunday, March 7, 2010

Laughlin Festival

Yesterday morning Destiny and I got up at 3am, yes 3 am. I usually sleep through that time unless I am sick. Got down to the band room and hopped on a bus to Laughlin for the festival. There were 3 buses, show choir, middle school band, and high school band. We were on the high school band bus. They were all actually pretty good kids. The high school show choir was amazing. I told Destiny she should try out for that when shes in high school. I think every one got superior marks, except the middle school band they got an excellent mark. But the other groups have been doing this kind of thing for a long time, and the middle schools kids are just beginning. I guess they participate in this every year. So I will be looking forward to it next year. But maybe we will have to drive down so we can stay overnight, because it made for a LONG day. It was fun just very long.